3 Months Full Access to BOOSTfit Online Fitness Classes
Current Bid
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Your chance to secure 3 months full access to BOOSTfit online fitness classes. This includes an online platform of live zoom classes and replays - meaning hours of on-demand workouts, all available whenever and wherever you want to BOOST! There is also an online support group so you can ask questions, meet the team and other fellow BOOSTers in the community.
Find out more about BOOSTfit here.
- You have 1 month to claim your access.
- There will be no monetary exchange.
- You will need wifi, a smart device such as laptop, smart tv, tablet, to access the platform.
- Full terms and conditions will be sent to you prior to joining.
A voucher will be sent to the winning bidder, once successful payment has been made.
Kindly donated by BOOSTfit